Vocabulary is a big part of science. We use a lot of words and terms in chemistry, physics, and biology that are somewhat different from their everyday usage which can be confusing for students. I like to tell them we have ‘everyday’ uses and ‘science-y’ uses of words.
I know there are different philosophies on pre teaching vocabulary but it is something I try to do. I want to make sure that we are using the vocabulary terms in the same way before we start a discussion about a topic. I also find students already have background knowledge on our topics and I look to make connections to that with card sorts and vocabulary games to pre-teach vocabulary
I often start units or multi day lessons with a vocabulary card sort like our Force Vocabulary Card Sort in Slides. Sometimes I use term cards and definition cards that fit together like puzzle pieces or a vocabulary tarsia puzzle like our Kinetic and Potential Energy and Motion Tarsia Puzzle. We also use card sorts with pictures or diagrams and match those to our new vocabulary. I also like to use domino vocabulary games too.
I ask students to do the card sorts in pairs and small groups. I walk around and check in with students asking probing questions. I always ask students to record the vocabulary, definitions, and a sketch that represents the word in a graphic organizer. My students are able to use these in future assignments and quizzes.